An Iron Knight puts opening principles into practice, developing quickly while controlling the center, but needs more middlegame practice. An Iron Knight can defend against a Scholar's Mate, can notate chess games, and is beginning to identify different classes of openings.

Requirements / Coaching Guide

Passed Pawns
demonstrate passed pawns, "square of the pawn," and protected passed pawns.
Blocking Pawns
teach player to recognize and stop dangerous passed pawns; describe knights and bishops as blockers.
Pawn Structure
explain pawn chains, pawn islands, doubled pawns, isolated pawns, backward pawns, and levers.
explain king opposition with examples to play out.
describe discovered check and discovered attacks.
Combinations II
provide various (at least 10) combinations involving overworked pieces and deflection.
Mate in Two
mate in two quizzes (at least 20) from Polgar's big CHESS book.
define and describe open games, closed games, semi-open games, and semi-closed games.
Italian Game
describe basic themes and main lines of the Italian Game.
go over six Philidor games
Promotion Game
Win a game from a higher-rated player getting Iron Knight odds.
Requirements continue to evolve and may therefore change at any time. Substitutions may be granted in some cases to award particularly strong play.